Goldstar’s Fridge in Ben Gurion Airport

Ben Gurion airport’s arrivals hall, that greets travelers who just landed in Israel, is a busy and emotional arena. Goldstar asked us to use it in a creative and original way. 

We chose to create a first of its kind sign: a 3 dimension sign in the shape of a huge refrigerator, containing 5,000 chilly Goldstar bottles.

We used one third of the hall’s 360 degrees mega board space for the refrigerators, that welcome arrivals in both sides of the lobby. We dedicated the rest of the mega ad space to Goldstar’s the iconic red color. “Baram advertising” built and executed the hanging of the fridges and the signs.

By the number of people admiring the fridge doors, touching them and trying to open them, it’s safe to say we rose to the challenge.

Yediot Ahronot wrote about it too (Hebrew).

Goldstar Beer

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